Monday, September 28, 2009


The full moon has been linked to crime, suicide, mental illness, disasters, accidents, birthrates, fertility, and werewolves among other things. Some people even buy and sale stocks according to the phases of the moon, a method probably as successful as many others. Numerous studies have tried to find lunar effects. So far, the studies have failed to establish much of interest. Lunar effects that have been found have little or nothing to do with human behavior, e.g., the discovery of a slight effect of the moon on global temperature, which in turn might have an effect on the growth of plants. Of course, there have been single studies here and there that have found correlations between various phases of the moon and this or that phenomenon, but nothing significant has been replicated sufficiently to warrant claiming a probable causal relationship.

The moon holds a mystical place in the history of human culture, so it's no wonder that many myths - from werewolves to induced lunacy to epileptic seizures - have built up regarding its supposed effects on us.

"It must be a full moon," is a phrase heard whenever crazy things happen and is said by researchers to be muttered commonly by late-night cops, psychiatry staff and emergency room personnel.

The moon myths state that crimes rates and suicides increases when the night has a full moon.
When there is a full moon, it only mean one thing to doctors, police and other significant people--- it is a very busy night. According to them, during full moon, there are more people who are going outside their houses for some reasons. According to Officer Pete Gonzales, it is infact a very busy night when there is a full moon because people tend to change their behavior and most likely to be away from home. Moon, aside from holidays and pay days serves as a factor why people are engaged in pro-activities. Dr. Stonedale added that may suffer from lunatic behavior when there is a full moon.

I personally liked this video because it has informed me about how the phases of the moon may ( according to researchers) affect a person's behavior. For some reasons, people may change their behavior during full moon, but maybe these occurrences may be mere coincidences.

Behavior, may be affected by the nature and the environment but it's unnecessary to conclude that the moon has direct affect to it. As to what the video said, it still depends on us if we'll believe that these full moon and lunatic behavior is true or not.

I relate this to psychology since, psychology is a continuous process of determining the factors that affect the behavior of every individual. This topic is one of those interesting mysteries in psychology.

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